The ubiquitous rubber band is a mate's best friend. This inexpensive tool is one of the handiest items on a boat. A good deckhand always has some rubber bands close by (usually on their wrist) and will use them for a number of chores. Here are 10 top uses for rubber bands. Story and photos by KJ Robinson.
Tip #1: Creating a secure spot to attach a fishing line to the outriggers. Rubber bands come in handy whenever you're trolling. By placing them on your fishing line, you create a secure spot to attach the line to the outrigger halyard. The line won't slip through the rubber band, and the band will provide a little bit of stretch for the bite and knockdown.
Tip #2: Attaching to a tag line. Many boats in Hawaii use tag lines on their outriggers rather than the release clips favored on the East Coast. The rubber band is the perfect tool to attach the fishing line to the tag line. When a fish bites, the rubber band will break free.
Tip #3: Holding a double hook in place. A rubber band can be used to keep a double hook-set in place while fishing with a lure, but the band will break free when a fish bites down, allowing the hook to swing and help it grab hold
Tip #4: Storing rigged lures. Using rubber bands keeps our leaders nice and neat. Some guys favor twist ties, but the rubber band is quicker to remove so we can get the lures out faster.
Tip #5: Holding rigger lines in place. We use a rubber band to keep the rigger lines in place when we're running. There is nothing more annoying that the halyards flapping all over the deck when underway.
Tip #6: Locking down doors. Certain cabinets always want to open up when running in rough seas. A simple rubber band around the cabinet knobs will keep all of the items in the cabinet from flying out and rolling all over the cabin.
Tip #7: Stowing the flying gaff. Placing a rubber band at the end of a flying gaff will hold the rope in place but allow the rope to easily break free from the gaff pole when the gaff is placed in the fish.
Tip #8: Flying flags. A rubber band will keep your release flag in place on the outrigger line as you head home from a productive fishing day.
Tip #9: Prepping a tag stick. Keeping a release tag on the tag stick is commonly done by slipping the tag underneath a rubber band wrapped on the end of the tag pole.
Tip #10: Adding pressure. Wooden clips are a good way to get a snug grasp with a smooth release when fishing with a live bait, especially off the transom. A rubber band can be used to tighten the pressure on a wooden clip if needed. For a wide range of rubber bands visit Melton International Tackle.